Brand Design | Visual Strategy | Writing

World Expo Host City Bid

2023 World Health Expo Host City Bid: Prairie Medicine

2023 World Health Expo Host City Bid: Prairie Medicine

Organizers of the World Expo Host City bid needed a visual strategy for a global event that embodied Minnesota’s role in health and wellness. From the thousands of prairie plants native to Minnesota derives a catalog of medicinal herbs, berries and extracts. I based the first visual strategy concept on the most recognizable among them, the Purple Coneflower, source of Minnesotans’ preferred cold remedy, echinacea.

Creative direction, design, copywriting, strategy

L'toile du nord: The star of the north

L'toile du nord: The star of the north

For the second concept, I called on Minnesota’s state motto and symbol, “L’Etoile Du Nord.” Enshrined on our state seal and gracing our capitol’s rotunda floor, it has emboldened and inspired Minnesotans since the state’s founding to be a beacon to the nation and the world economically, culturally, and technologically.
